How to construct a panel and a page are probably the hardest thing to learn and this is a clear explanation of how the eye travels around a picture which is really appreciated. Thanks for sharing it.

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Shell 🐚 YES and Hallelujah 🙌🏽 to this conversation! I love you 💗 (because it’s easy to love people who care about the same things I do – curbing the inner competing Monkey voices, so we can show up for our dance with the Muse.) Y’all ROCK and I look forward to more sequential goodness!

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It’s long a lot of drawing and speech bubbles. But not a lot of words.

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I am hung up in the details of my story. In a sentence my story is: A teenage girl meets a horse who is untrainable and marked to be sold to the slaughterhouse.

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Hi @Nancy, it's a great start. The next step is context. Is this a short story, a long one, a poetic one, a silent one, a word-heavy one? To visualize sentence might take you 4-5 panels, 2 pages or just maybe one panel depending open those variables.

There are so many options! Feel free to reply.

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This was super interesting.

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